Interview with actress Isabella Handler, star of Mother Superior

FrightFest Glasgow 2023

by James Whittington
March 9, 2023

FrightFest Glasgow is now underway and one of the most talked about movies at the event is the superb feature Mother Superior. We chatted to the star, Isabella Händler about her role and this incredible movie.

NYX: Did you know from a young age that you wanted to be an actress?

IS: What I remember is that I was very mesmerised by movies when I was a young kid. The characters telling these stories fascinated me and I wanted to be like them. So probably yes, I wanted to be an actress. My mother encouraged me all of my life to follow this passion so I am very glad that I listened to her. 

NYX: How did you come to be cast in Mother Superior?

IS: In 2019, I played in a movie and met Gabriel Krajanek who was the DoP. After we finished shooting, he called me and said that he is preparing a new movie project and that he would like to introduce me to the director who is searching for the lead role. Then I had the privilege to meet Marie-Alice Wolfszahn and the rest is history. 

NYX: What did you think of thescript when you first read it?

IS: I am a lucky one to play that role. When I first read the script of Mother Superior I saw this strong, at the same time very lonely female character named Sigrun, with a hell of a story and I wanted to be part of that journey. When people ask me what I like the most about my profession, I tell them that I am very grateful to be able to tell stories. Stories we don’t know yet, or those we have to tell over and over again because they still need to be told.

NYX: How did you prepare to play Sigrun as she’s a very complicated and deep character?

IL: I started my research and I dived into the historical context. There were a lot of aspects I did not know back then. There were so many questions I had about Sigrun and I was very lucky to have Marie-Alice by my side. We talked for hours, rehearsed, tried out different things like, for example, various German accents which would show where Sigrun was raised before our story starts. It was a great process. I really had the freedom to grow into that role and I think that was the recipe to Sigrun’s authenticity and her strong willpower. 

NYX: Were you nervous the first day on set?

IL: Yes and no. I was really looking forward to getting started, and on the other hand, I was nervous if the outcome would be like we all wanted it. But it was such a special atmosphere onset - the whole team did such an amazing job and I really enjoyed working with all of them.  

NYX: You have some incredibly tense scenes with Inge Maux who plays Baroness Heidenreich and Jochen Nickel who plays her faithful handy man/groundskeeper. Did you have much time to rehearse? 

IL: We all got to know each other before the shooting days and we had some time to go through our scenes together with Marie-Alice. Inge and Jochen are amazing actors and it was special for me to work with two such experienced colleagues. 

NYX: The location is incredible, did it feel as creepy as it looked?

IL: Marie-Alice always says that the house is another character of the film and that is so true. It is truly amazing, isn’t it? And yes, it is a bit creepy. I once forgot my mobile on set so I had to go back and it was already very late at night and all the lights were out. You can imagine it was a very quick in-and-out.  

NYX: Marie Alice Wolfszahn’s attention to period detail is incredible, did it feel like you were actually in the 1970s?

IL: In some moments it definitely felt that way. As an actress I could not have asked for more. It was a very special environment. 

NYX: The film deals with paranormal elements, do you believe in such things?

IL: It is a good question. Honestly I don’t know. Maybe on some days yes and on some days not so much. Let's keep it that way.

NYX: So, what are you working on at the moment?

IL: I worked on a movie at the end of 2022 which will be out in the cinemas this year. Currently I am part of a theatre production in Vienna which premieres on March 17. 

NYX: Isabella Händler, thank you very much.

IL: Thank you :)